Acupressure was originated in ancient China. It showed superior therapeutic potential against numerous disease conditions. Acupressure is a type of acupuncture. Both acupressure and acupuncture are based on the same fundamental principle of acupoints activation across the meridians. In acupressure, muscular tension is released by applying pressure with a hand at specific acupoints or pressure of the thumbs on specific points, or the application of pressure to acupoints is used to balance the flow of the physiological energy. Acupressure also resembles reflexology; however, in reflexology therapeutic response was obtained by work on a predetermined reflux zone. Acupressure demands the application of physical pressure on trigger points/acupoints/specific pressure points which are positioned along the meridians. Meridians are the channels within the human body that helps to maintain Qi and thus, the steadiness of health condition. Each meridian is connected to various organs and tissues of the human body. Activation of a specific point on the meridian by pressure facilitates pain reduction at the local site and also reduces the pain from other parts of the body. It is a pressure point, hand-mediated energy healing technique which is considered a useful strategy for the management of multiple symptoms, along with beneficial physical comforts, satisfaction, and economy. As a whole, acupressure is a manually operated, needle-free, non-invasive, cost-effective, and non-pharmacological healing intervention to promote patients' well-being.
Menstrual cramps
Muscle tension and pain

Cupping is the application of glass cups onto the skin by creating a vacuum through a flame. The vacuum in the cup draws the skin upwards to stimulate the flow of blood and to clear toxins. This therapy is frequently used to effectively assist recovery of heavily worked muscles, sporting injuries or relaxation.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS):
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a noninvasive therapy indicated for the symptomatic relief from, and management of, chronic intractable pain and post-surgical and posttrauma acute pain.
Mechanism of TENS Pain messages transmitted by the peripheral nervous system to the brain are electro-chemical in nature. Controlling or overriding these nociceptive impulses can bring about significant pain relief to patients. With a TENS system, a portable stimulator generates a current which flows through leads to electrodes placed in specific locations on the patient’s skin. The low voltage current causes an electrical reaction in sensory and motor nerve fibers, overriding pain message transmission. The frequency and intensity of the stimulus are carefully controlled. TENS can also stimulate endorphin production.
-Prevention of disuse atrophy
-Muscle re-education
-Relaxation of muscle spasm
-Maintaining or increasing range of motion
-Prevention of venous thrombosis in selective muscles immediately post-surgery
-Increasing local blood circulation
-Strengthening weak or injured muscles

Strengthening and stretching education:
Muscle tightness and weakness both can cause pain. Basically, we want to stretch those tight muscles and strengthen those weak muscles. The human body is so complicated, and you properly do not know which muscle is tight and which muscle is weak. As experts for muscles, we are able to the exam you and tell you which muscle is tight and which muscle is weak, and then we give you the solution.